Wednesday, August 5, 2009

things you shouldn't do when your hand is broke

I recently broke my hand due to some unforeseen circumstances. Below are the adventures that I embarked on before going to the doctor. Some told me I was an idiot, others said I was hardcore, you can be the judge.

1. Dance on a stripper pole, I must add that it's all upper body and lower leg muscles
2. Take a 3 hr boat ride on the Bay with drunks
3. Tell people, "it's going to get better tomorrow" for 3 consecutive days
4. Self-diagnose yourself because you've seen every episode of House
5. Write a blog post about what you shouldn't do with a broken hand

have a good night


  1. i think you broke your hand doing hardcore pole dancing, and the alcohol made you numb to it, and while diagnosing yourself drunk, you decide that it would be a good idea to blog about it.

  2. dork...i told you it was broken!
