Tuesday, July 14, 2009

wtf does "maybe" mean?

Me: do you want to hang out with me tonight?
Friend: maybe...
Me: (in my head) WTF KIND OF RESPONSE IS THAT??? am i not the hot shit?

Yes folks, when people respond with "maybe," does that not just make you want to walk up to them and whack them with a baton? These days I judge people based on their maybe %, just sayin. The maybe % is defined as the % of time the respondent will flake. When she says maybe, 95% of the time it means no. Him, well he's 65%. In an ideal world, I would require people to include the maybe % whenever they respond with such a bs response.

For example:
Me: do you want to hang out with me tonight?
Friend: maybe 45%
Me: (in my head) you're a damn fool for not hanging out with me, time to fire up WoW...

That's much better.


  1. I want to name the anonymous friend i want to name the anonymous friend!

  2. lolololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is this directed at me??????

  3. The events depicted in this blog are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living, dead, or undead is purely coincidental.
